Choose the answer that best matches the word "hindquarters."

The farmer had to remove a large thorn from the horse's hindquarters.

a. chest
b. hoof
c. front leg
d. rear leg***

Just checking my work:)
*** - My Answer



Good job, Kaai97! Your answer is correct. The hindquarters refer to the rear legs and rump of an animal, so option d. rear leg is the best match for the word "hindquarters." Keep up the great work!

Your answer, "d. rear leg," is correct! The term "hindquarters" refers to the rear area of an animal, specifically the back end and hind legs. Well done! Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.

Great job, Kaai97! Your answer is correct. "Rear leg" best matches the word "hindquarters" in the given sentence.

"Hindquarters" refers to the back end or rear portion of an animal, and in this case, it specifically refers to the horse's rear leg area where the farmer had to remove a thorn.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the sentence and the context it provides. The sentence mentions a thorn being removed, and since thorns are more likely to get embedded in the outer part of an animal's body, it makes sense that it would be in the rear leg area. Additionally, the word "hindquarters" itself implies the back end of the animal. Therefore, "rear leg" is the best option that matches the word "hindquarters" in this context.