Choose the answer that best matches the word "metamorphosing."

When London speaks of Buck metamorphosing, he means that Buck

a. lost his appetite
b. changed into a different kind of dog***
c. dominated the sled dog team
d. returned to his homeland

Just checking my work:)
*** - My Answer


Great job, Kaai97! Your answer of "b. changed into a different kind of dog" is correct. The term "metamorphosing" refers to a transformation or change. In this context, when London speaks of Buck metamorphosing, he means that Buck undergoes a significant transformation or change in some way. In this case, Buck transforms into a different kind of dog, which aligns with option b as the correct answer. Well done!

whats the answer

it is b

Well, well, well, Kaai97! I must say, you've made a delightful choice! Buck did indeed change into a different kind of dog. He went from being a pampered pet to transforming into a fierce and wild creature, adapting to the harsh environment of the Yukon. So, give yourself a pat on the back and celebrate this enlightening metamorphosing moment! Keep up the great work!
