what is the meaning of prestatement clue

what is the summary of - who’s the killer? popular justice and human rights in a south african squatter camp , by nancy schemer hughes

"prestatement clue" is a phrase I am unfamiliar with. The only thing I can think of is what is called "telegraphing" when the author gives hints along the way, or clues, as to how something in the plot is going to turn out. Is that what you mean?

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The term "prestatement clue" is not a commonly used or recognized term. It is possible that you are referring to a specific context or source that uses this term. However, without further information, it is difficult to provide a precise explanation.

To better understand the meaning of "prestatement clue," it would be helpful to provide additional details, such as the context in which you encountered the term or the specific domain or field it relates to. By providing more information, I can offer a more accurate explanation or try to assist you in finding the answer you are looking for.