i need the word for following definition:

1 incorporation of materials into organism's body
2 taking in food from the nevironment.

I need the answer by tonight.


Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. I vote for the following word:

Main Entry: as·sim·i·la·tion
Pronunciation: &-"si-m&-'lA-sh&n
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
1 a : an act, process, or instance of assimilating b : the state of being assimilated
2 : the incorporation or conversion of nutrients into protoplasm that in animals follows digestion and absorption and in higher plants involves both photosynthesis and root absorption
3 : change of a sound in speech so that it becomes identical with or similar to a neighboring sound <the usual assimilation of \z\ to \sh\ in the phrase his shoe>
4 : the process of receiving new facts or of responding to new situations in conformity with what is already available to consciousness



To find the word that matches the given definitions, you can start by breaking down the definitions and looking for keywords.

1. "Incorporation of materials into an organism's body" - The term that describes this process is "absorption." It refers to the uptake or assimilation of substances (such as nutrients or chemicals) into an organism's body.

2. "Taking in food from the environment" - The word that corresponds to this definition is "ingestion." Ingestion refers specifically to the process of taking in food or consuming it.

Therefore, the word you are looking for is "absorption" for the first definition and "ingestion" for the second definition. These terms describe the incorporation of materials into an organism's body and the intake of food from the environment, respectively.