If the give you a ruled paper, write the other way.

What figurative language is being shown and is this a compound sentence or a diffrent type of sentence

The sentence makes no sense. You seem to have omitted a word.

If they give you a ruled paper, write the other way.

I don't know -- but how about ambiguity?


Thank you glad you tried to help

You're welcome, and good luck.

If you remember, please post the actual answer. This has me buffaloed.

The figurative language being shown in the sentence "If they give you ruled paper, write the other way" is a metaphor. It is using the idea of writing on ruled paper as a metaphor for following the established norms or rules in life. The phrase "write the other way" means to go against the norms or rules and do things differently.

Now, regarding the sentence structure, let's analyze it. The given sentence consists of two parts joined by the conjunction "and": "If they give you ruled paper" and "write the other way." This structure makes it a compound sentence.

In a compound sentence, two or more independent clauses (complete thoughts) are connected by coordinating conjunctions, like "and," "or," "but," "for," "so," etc. In this case, "If they give you ruled paper" and "write the other way" can stand alone as separate sentences, and they are joined by the coordinating conjunction "and."

So, to summarize:
- The figurative language being used is a metaphor.
- The sentence structure is a compound sentence.