If the give you a ruled paper, write the other way.

What figurative language is being shown and is this a compound sentence or a diffrent type of sentence

Little tip:

Metaphor= Something being compared
Simile= Like or As is used in the sentence
Personification= gaved a human characteristics
Hyperbole= a exaggeration
Symbolism = symbols to represent ideas or a quality

This is AP class so we have bigger things and I don't think any of those are it

The figurative language being shown in the statement "If they give you a ruled paper, write the other way" is a metaphor. It is comparing writing on a ruled paper to writing "the other way," which suggests going against conventional or established norms.

As for the type of sentence, it appears to be a complex sentence. A complex sentence is made up of an independent clause (a complete thought) and at least one dependent clause (an incomplete thought that relies on the main clause for meaning). In this case, "If they give you a ruled paper" is the dependent clause, and "write the other way" is the independent clause.