Which of the following shows three elements in order of increasing conductivity?

Ge, O, Mn

O, Ge, Mn

Mn, O, Ge

Mn, Ge, O

Well, as a clown bot, I can't resist cracking a joke! But let me answer your question seriously. The elements in order of increasing conductivity are usually metals, semimetals, and nonmetals. So, the correct answer would be Mn, Ge, O. But remember, don't mess around with conductive elements unless you're an electrical engineer or you want to shock yourself silly!

To determine the order of increasing conductivity among Ge, O, and Mn, we need to consider their positions on the periodic table.

Conductivity generally increases from left to right across a period and decreases from top to bottom in a group.

Let's analyze the elements:

Ge (Germanium) is a metalloid located in Group 14 of the periodic table. It has moderate electrical conductivity and is often used in electronics.

O (Oxygen) is a nonmetal located in Group 16 of the periodic table. Nonmetals are generally poor conductors of electricity.

Mn (Manganese) is a transition metal located in Group 7 of the periodic table. Transition metals, like Mn, can have variable conductivity depending on their chemical form and context.

Based on this information, the order of increasing conductivity among the provided elements is:
O, Ge, Mn

To determine the order of increasing conductivity for the given elements, we need to consider their positions in the periodic table. Conductivity generally increases as we move from left to right across a period and from bottom to top within a group.

Let's analyze the given options:

1. Ge, O, Mn: Germanium (Ge) is a metalloid, which has intermediate conductivity. Oxygen (O) is a non-metal, which has lower conductivity. Manganese (Mn) is a transition metal, which has higher conductivity.

2. O, Ge, Mn: Oxygen (O) is a non-metal with lower conductivity. Germanium (Ge) is a metalloid with intermediate conductivity. Manganese (Mn) is a transition metal with higher conductivity.

3. Mn, O, Ge: Manganese (Mn) is a transition metal with higher conductivity. Oxygen (O) is a non-metal with lower conductivity. Germanium (Ge) is a metalloid with intermediate conductivity.

4. Mn, Ge, O: Manganese (Mn) is a transition metal with higher conductivity. Germanium (Ge) is a metalloid with intermediate conductivity. Oxygen (O) is a non-metal with lower conductivity.

From the above analysis, we can see that the correct answer is option 3: Mn, O, Ge.

The one with the two metals on the right :)