A number cube is rolled 24 times and the results are recorded as follows: 2 ones, 10 twos, 6 threes, 3 fours, 1 five, and 2 sixes. What is the experimental probability of rolling an even number?

number of rolls with evens

= 10 + 3 + 2 = 15

so .....

A number cube is rolled 24 times and the results are recorded as follows: 2 ones, 10 twos, 6 threes, 3 fours, 1 five, and 2 sixes. What is the experimental probability of rolling an even number?

To find the experimental probability of rolling an even number, we need to know the total number of rolls and the number of times an even number (2, 4, or 6) was rolled.

In this case, the number cube was rolled 24 times and the results are given:

- Number of ones: 2
- Number of twos: 10
- Number of threes: 6
- Number of fours: 3
- Number of fives: 1
- Number of sixes: 2

To find the number of times an even number was rolled, we add the number of twos, fours, and sixes:

10 twos + 3 fours + 2 sixes = 15

Therefore, an even number was rolled 15 times out of the total 24 rolls.

Now, we can calculate the experimental probability of rolling an even number by dividing the number of successful outcomes (even numbers rolled) by the total number of outcomes (total rolls):

Experimental probability = (Number of even numbers rolled) / (Total number of rolls)

Experimental probability = 15 / 24

Simplifying this fraction, we get:

Experimental probability = 5 / 8

So, the experimental probability of rolling an even number is 5/8.