I have looked every where. I am in honors 7th grade history.

Help please I need a sentence with the word mullah and jihad?

Headline from TheNewYorkTimes.com:

Breaking: Afghan Mullahs declare Jihad against Pakistan .

Source: http://defence.pk/threads/breaking-afghan-mullahs-declare-jihad-against-pakistan.392027/#ixzz3rjCNyEXH

Here's another news headline, also a complete sentence:

Pakistani Mullahs Reluctantly Condemn "Radical" Jihad
Night Watch | Dec 19, 2014

Sure! To construct a sentence with the words "mullah" and "jihad," we first need to understand their meanings.

The term "mullah" refers to a Muslim religious leader or scholar, often invited to lead prayers, give sermons, or provide guidance within Islamic communities.

"Jihad" is an Arabic word that means "struggle" or "effort." In the context of Islam, it can refer to the spiritual struggle to maintain faith or to the defense of Islam or Islamic territories.

Now, let's create a sentence combining these two words:

"The mullah urged his followers to embrace the true meaning of jihad and engage in a peaceful spiritual struggle to strengthen their faith."

Remember, understanding the meanings of the words is essential in constructing a sentence that accurately reflects their usage. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!