Need help in solving this word problem. That are the steps?

Of the total number of spectators at a circus, 1/4 are men. 2/5 of the remaining number of spectators are women. There are 132 women at the circus show. How many children are at the circus show?

Deez nuts goes in the banana factory please liek dis i want attention

let total spectators be x

1/4 of them are men , leaving 3/4 x women and children
(2/5)(3/4)x = 132
(3/10)x = 132
3x = 1320
x = 440

so 1/4 of 440 are men = 110
women = 132
so far we have 242
leaving 440-242 or 198 children

total = 440
men = (2/5)(44) = 110
leaving 330 women and children
(2/5) of 330 = 132

all is good!


To solve this word problem, we'll break it down into steps:

Step 1: Find the number of men.
Given that 1/4 of the total spectators are men, we need to find 1/4 of the total number of spectators. Since we don't have the total number of spectators, let's represent it as "x." Thus, the number of men at the circus show would be 1/4 * x.

Step 2: Find the number of remaining spectators.
To do this, we'll subtract the number of men from the total number of spectators. The remaining spectators would be x - (1/4 * x).

Step 3: Find the number of women.
Given that 2/5 of the remaining spectators are women, we need to find 2/5 of (x - (1/4 * x)). Thus, the number of women at the circus show would be 2/5 * (x - (1/4 * x)).

Step 4: Set up the equation.
We know that the number of women is equal to 132, so we can set up the equation: 2/5 * (x - (1/4 * x)) = 132.

Step 5: Solve the equation.
To solve the equation, we'll start by simplifying it. First, simplify 1/4 * x by dividing x by 4: x/4. Then, simplify (x - (1/4 * x)) by subtracting x/4 from x: (4x/4 - x/4) = (3x/4). Now, our equation becomes 2/5 * (3x/4) = 132.

Next, we'll simplify further by canceling out common factors. The 2 in the numerator and the 4 in the denominator can be canceled out, resulting in the equation: 3x/5 = 132.

To isolate x, we'll multiply both sides of the equation by 5/3: (3x/5) * (5/3) = 132 * (5/3). This simplifies to x = (132 * 5) / 3.

Step 6: Calculate the answer.
By evaluating the expression (132 * 5) / 3, we find that x is equal to 220.

Step 7: Find the number of children.
Since the total number of spectators is equal to x, and the problem asks for the number of children, we need to subtract the number of men and women from the total number of spectators. Thus, the number of children would be x - (1/4 * x) - (2/5 * (x - (1/4 * x))).

Substituting x with our calculated value (220), we can find the number of children.