p>p'(-2,-6) for the glide reflection where the translation is (x,y)>(x,y-1) and the line of reflection is x=1. What are the coordinates of P?

The answer is (4,-5)

I'm looking for the steps of how to get to the answer.

69-year-old grandpa trying to help grandson

To find the coordinates of P in the given glide reflection, follow these steps:

1. Start with the initial point P'(-2, -6).
2. Apply the translation (x, y) → (x, y - 1) to P' to get the new translated point P''.
- For the x-coordinate, it remains the same: x = -2.
- For the y-coordinate, subtract 1 from -6: y = -6 - 1 = -7.
So, P'' = (-2, -7).
3. Now, we need to reflect P'' over the line of reflection x = 1.
- The line of reflection x = 1 is a vertical line passing through x = 1.
- To reflect a point over a vertical line, we change the sign of the x-coordinate and keep the y-coordinate the same.
- The x-coordinate of P'' is -2, so when we reflect it over x = 1, it becomes positive: x = 2.
- The y-coordinate of P'' is -7, and since it's a vertical reflection, the y-coordinate remains the same: y = -7.
Therefore, P''' = (2, -7).
4. Finally, apply the translation (x, y) → (x, y - 1) again to P''' to get the final point P.
- For the x-coordinate, it remains the same: x = 2.
- For the y-coordinate, subtract 1 from -7: y = -7 - 1 = -8.
So, P = (2, -8).

However, based on the given answer you provided (4, -5) for P, it seems there might be a mistake in either the description or the answer provided. Please double-check to ensure the accuracy of the question and the intended answer.