1) Which of the following is not a function of the human nervous system?

A. regulating heartbeat
B. listening to music
C. moving oxygen from air into the blood
D. signaling the diaphragm to contract

2) An external event stimulates a sensory nerve, which transmits a signal to an interneuron in the spinal cord. This stimulates a motor neuron, which stimulates a muscle to contract. Which of the following terms applies to the sequence of events described above?
A. voluntary motion
B. reflex
C. somatic response
D. synapse

Is number one c and is number two a or b???
Please help!!!

1. A

2. C
3. D
4. B
5. B



coco is right. belive me

Coco is right thanks

coco, is right! and plus, someone, were on a page where it gives answers so what do you expect?



To answer the first question, we need to identify the function of the human nervous system that is not listed among the options.

A. Regulating heartbeat is a function of the human nervous system. The central nervous system controls the heart rate through the autonomic nervous system.

B. Listening to music is not a function of the human nervous system. While music can stimulate the brain and evoke emotional responses, it is not a primary function of the nervous system.

C. Moving oxygen from air into the blood is not a function of the human nervous system. This is actually a function of the respiratory system.

D. Signaling the diaphragm to contract is a function of the human nervous system. The phrenic nerve signals the diaphragm to contract and initiate breathing.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Listening to music is not a function of the human nervous system.

For the second question, let's analyze the sequence of events described:

An external event stimulates a sensory nerve, which transmits a signal to an interneuron in the spinal cord. This stimulates a motor neuron, which stimulates a muscle to contract.

A. Voluntary motion refers to movements controlled consciously by the individual. However, the sequence described does not specify conscious control, so this option can be eliminated.

B. A reflex is an involuntary response to a stimulus. In this case, the sensory nerve directly triggers a motor response without conscious thought. This aligns with the sequence described, making it the correct answer.

C. Somatic response refers to actions under conscious control, similar to voluntary motion. This option can be eliminated since the sequence doesn't mention conscious control.

D. A synapse is a junction between two neurons, where the transmission of signals occurs. While synapses are involved in the described sequence, it does not encompass the full process. Thus, this option can be eliminated.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Reflex.

For #2, I'm leaning more towards b, is this right?

Coco is wrong. The answers are:

1. find out yourself
2. find out yourself
3. find out yourself
4. find out yourself
5. find out yourself (coco is still wrong tho)