A store is located at (-1, -2). the owner of the store plans to build another store that is 5 blocks east and 4 blocks north of the original store. plot both stores on the coordinate plane. Give directions from the original store to the origin. please help me.

please answer

To plot the stores on the coordinate plane, we can start by marking the location of the original store at (-1, -2). Then, we can find the location of the second store by moving 5 blocks east (to the right) and 4 blocks north (upwards) from the original store.

The steps are as follows:
1. Start at the original store location (-1, -2) and mark it on the coordinate plane.
2. Move 5 blocks to the right (east) from the original store location. This means you need to add 5 to the x-coordinate of the original store location. (-1 + 5 = 4)
- So, the x-coordinate of the second store location will be 4.
3. Move 4 blocks upward (north) from the original store location. This means you need to add 4 to the y-coordinate of the original store location. (-2 + 4 = 2)
- So, the y-coordinate of the second store location will be 2.
4. Mark the second store location at (4, 2) on the same coordinate plane.

The final locations of the two stores are:
- Original store: (-1, -2)
- Second store: (4, 2)

Now, to give directions from the original store to the origin (0, 0):
1. Determine the direction to move in terms of blocks left (west) or right (east).
- Since the x-coordinate of the original store is -1 (left of the origin), we need to move one block to the right (east) to reach the origin.
2. Determine the direction to move in terms of blocks down (south) or up (north).
- Since the y-coordinate of the original store is -2 (below the origin), we need to move two blocks up (north) to reach the origin.

Therefore, the directions from the original store to the origin are:
- Move 1 block east (to the right).
- Move 2 blocks north (upwards).

I hope this explanation helps you plot the stores on the coordinate plane and understand the directions. Let me know if you need further assistance!