acute, Adjustment, Bipolar, Communication disorders examples I need please help me


acute stress disorder
adjustment disorder
Bipolar disorder
communication disorder

Acute indicates a relatively short-term disorder, while chronic indicates a long-lasting one. For example, a cold is acute, while hay fever is chronic.

As bobpursley suggested, I searched Google under the key words "communication disorder" to get these possible sources:

You can do the same with your other terms. In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search. Also see

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

Certainly! Here are some examples of each:

1. Acute disorders: Acute disorders refer to conditions that have a sudden or rapid onset and typically have a relatively short duration. Examples of acute disorders include acute respiratory infections (such as the flu), acute appendicitis, and acute pancreatitis.

2. Adjustment disorders: Adjustment disorders are a group of mental health disorders characterized by emotional and behavioral symptoms that arise in response to a significant life stressor. Examples of adjustment disorders include difficulty coping with a divorce, experiencing anxiety or depression after the death of a loved one, or struggling with work-related stress.

3. Bipolar disorder: Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive disorder, is a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (manic episodes) and lows (depressive episodes). Examples of bipolar disorder include periods of elevated mood, increased energy, and reckless behavior during manic episodes, followed by periods of intense sadness, loss of interest, and low energy during depressive episodes.

4. Communication disorders: Communication disorders refer to difficulties in understanding or using language effectively. Examples of communication disorders include speech sound disorders (such as a lisp or stuttering), language disorders (such as difficulties with vocabulary or grammar), and social communication disorders (such as challenges with social interaction or understanding nonverbal cues).

If you need more specific examples or further clarification, feel free to let me know!