What is one difference between popular beverages in Los estados unidos and those in the Spanish speaking world


I have the same question and I don't know the answer! can you help me?

Alyssa, did you ever figure it out? I don't see it in the lesson.

I would say the answer is that the latter's beverages are easily made at home in that region and tend to have small variations depending on what resources the folks have on hand.

I'll check back later after I have made sure this is a viable answer.

Did anyone figure it out?

Ms. Sue Help!

En serio, no sé la respuesta aunque tengo fluidez en español.

One difference between popular beverages in the United States and those in the Spanish-speaking world is the prevalence of certain drinks. To find more specific differences, you can start by conducting research on common and popular beverages in both regions. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do that:

1. Start by identifying reputable sources: Look for reliable websites, beverage industry reports, cultural publications, or food and drink-related blogs. These sources can provide you with information about popular beverages in the United States and the Spanish-speaking world.

2. Search for popular beverages in the United States: Use search engines like Google to find lists or articles that highlight the most popular drinks in the United States. Search queries like "popular American beverages" or "top drinks in the United States" can yield helpful results. Look for sources that are frequently cited or those that specify categories like soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, or regional specialties.

3. Research popular beverages in the Spanish-speaking world: Similarly, search for popular drinks in the Spanish-speaking world. Try variations of search queries like "popular Spanish-speaking world beverages" or "common drinks in Spanish-speaking countries." Explore reliable sources that provide insights into the typical beverages enjoyed in different Spanish-speaking countries.

4. Compare the findings: Once you have gathered information about popular beverages in the United States and the Spanish-speaking world, you can compare the two lists. Look for key differences in terms of types of drinks, ingredients, cultural significance, or consumption patterns.

Please note that popular beverages can vary greatly within these regions due to cultural diversity and individual preferences. Therefore, it is important to gather information from multiple sources to get a comprehensive understanding.