A(-3,3) A is a glide reflection where the translation is (x,y) (x+5,y), and the line of reflection is y=1. What are the coordinates of A'


glide: (-3,3) -> (2,3)

reflect: (2,3) -> (2,-1)

I suspect a typo.

no typo lol

I think it was suppose to be (-3,-3) not (-3,3)

To find the coordinates of A', we need to apply the glide reflection transformation to point A and obtain the new coordinates.

A glide reflection consists of two transformations: a translation and a reflection.

1. Translation: To perform the translation, we need to add the given translation vector (x+5, y) to the original coordinates of point A (-3, 3).

Adding the translation vector to the x-coordinate:
x + 5 = -3 + 5 = 2

Adding the translation vector to the y-coordinate:
y = 3

After the translation, the coordinates become (2, 3).

2. Reflection: We need to reflect the translated point (2, 3) over the given line of reflection, which is y = 1.

The line of reflection is a horizontal line with a y-coordinate of 1. To reflect a point over this line, we need to find the reflection distance between the y-coordinate of the point and the line of reflection and then subtract this distance from the y-coordinate of the line of reflection.

The reflection distance is calculated as:
y' - 1 = -(y - 1)
y' - 1 = -(3 - 1)
y' - 1 = -2
y' = -2 + 1
y' = -1

After the reflection, the y-coordinate of the point becomes -1, while the x-coordinate remains unchanged.

Therefore, the coordinates of A' are (2, -1).

The correct answer is A. (2,-3).