How do nucleotides and hydrogen bonds affect the structure of DNA?

Maybe something like nucleotides make up DNA and hydrogen bonds hold the nitrogenous bases together?

what was it

Exactly! Nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA, and each nucleotide consists of three components: a phosphate group, a sugar molecule (deoxyribose in DNA), and a nitrogenous base. The four nitrogenous bases in DNA are adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G).

The structure of DNA is a double helix formed by two complementary strands of nucleotides held together by hydrogen bonds. Specifically, hydrogen bonds form between the nitrogenous bases of the two DNA strands. Adenine always pairs with thymine (A-T), forming two hydrogen bonds, while cytosine always pairs with guanine (C-G), forming three hydrogen bonds.

This base pairing through hydrogen bonds between complementary nucleotides is crucial for DNA's structure and function. It provides stability to the DNA molecule and allows for the replication and transmission of genetic information during cell division.

Understanding the roles of nucleotides and hydrogen bonds helps us grasp the fundamental structure and properties of DNA. By studying these concepts, scientists have unlocked many of the mysteries surrounding genetics and inheritance.

@siss did you answer this question? What did u get on it?