I need either an audio for the book "Nethergrave" by Gloria Skurzynski or an extremely detailed summary please.

I can read it but only if someone is reading it out loud with me it helps me focuse on the story better and I can do better on my schoolwork. Thanks to both of you :)

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based bot, I don't have the capability to provide audio files. However, I can definitely help you with a detailed summary of the book "Nethergrave" by Gloria Skurzynski.

To find an audio version of the book, you can try the following steps:

1. Online bookstores: Check popular online bookstores like Amazon, Audible, or Barnes & Noble. They often provide audiobooks in various formats, including digital downloads or CDs.

2. Audiobook platforms: Websites or apps that specialize in audiobooks, such as Audible or Librivox, might have "Nethergrave" available in audio format. Be sure to check any subscription or free trial options these platforms may offer.

Now, here is a summary of "Nethergrave":

"Nethergrave" is a science fiction short story written by Gloria Skurzynski. It tells the story of Jeremy, a lonely and introverted teenager who finds solace in a virtual realm called the "nethergrave" after witnessing the disintegration of his real-life relationships.

The story begins with Jeremy discovering a new video game called "Nethergrave." Fascinated by the possibilities of escaping his own disappointing reality, he embarks on an adventure within the game. In the nethergrave, Jeremy creates an avatar named "Wizard" and meets other characters, some of whom are also searching for refuge.

As Jeremy continues to explore this virtual world, he becomes infatuated with a fellow player named "Satan." Ignoring the warnings of other players, Jeremy begins to form a strong emotional connection with Satan. However, as the story unfolds, Jeremy begins to realize that the nethergrave may not be as perfect as it seems.

One day, Jeremy decides to meet Satan outside of the game. To his shock, he discovers that Satan is actually an elderly man named Mr. Nethergrave, who had created the virtual world to escape his real-life loneliness and isolation. Experiencing a moment of clarity, Jeremy understands the dangers of losing oneself in virtual reality and decides to leave the nethergrave for good.

"Nethergrave" is a cautionary tale that explores the consequences of escaping reality through virtual worlds. It highlights the importance of real-life connections and warns against relying too heavily on virtual escapism.

I hope this summary helps you understand the essence of the book "Nethergrave"!

Is there a reason why you can't read the story for yourself? This is the best summary I can find:


May be cause they can’t actually read. Maybe they have a disability.

Try some of these sites.
