Jerry is currently paid $567 for working a 45 hour week. His weekly salary is to be increased by 10% but his hours are to be reduced by 10%.

Calculate the change from his old hourly rate of pay to his new hourly rate of pay.

present pay rate = 567/45 = 12.6 $/h

new salary = 567*1.1 = 623.7

new hours = .9*45 = 40.5

new pay rate = 623.7/40.5 = 15.4 $/h

change = 15.4 - 12.6 = 2.8 $/hour

To calculate the change from Jerry's old hourly rate of pay to his new hourly rate of pay, we first need to find his old hourly rate and his new hourly rate.

Step 1: Find Jerry's old hourly rate.
To find Jerry's old hourly rate, we divide his current weekly salary by the number of hours he works in a week.
$567 / 45 hours = $12.60/hour

So, Jerry's old hourly rate is $12.60.

Step 2: Find Jerry's new weekly salary.
Jerry's weekly salary is to be increased by 10%. To find his new weekly salary, we multiply his current weekly salary by 1.10.
$567 * 1.10 = $623.70

His new weekly salary is $623.70.

Step 3: Find Jerry's new number of hours worked.
Jerry's hours are to be reduced by 10%. To find his new number of hours worked, we multiply his current number of hours by 0.90.
45 hours * 0.90 = 40.5 hours

His new number of hours worked is 40.5 hours.

Step 4: Find Jerry's new hourly rate.
To find Jerry's new hourly rate, we divide his new weekly salary by his new number of hours worked.
$623.70 / 40.5 hours = $15.37/hour

So, Jerry's new hourly rate is $15.37.

Step 5: Calculate the change in hourly rate.
To calculate the change from Jerry's old hourly rate to his new hourly rate, we subtract his old hourly rate from his new hourly rate.
$15.37/hour - $12.60/hour = $2.77/hour

Therefore, the change from Jerry's old hourly rate of pay to his new hourly rate of pay is an increase of $2.77/hour.