6. A meander is best described as a

A. depression for swimming.
B. bend or curve in a stream channel.
C. straight streamline into a lake.
D. pond located streamside.



Yes, you are correct. A meander is best described as a bend or curve in a stream channel. To arrive at this answer, you can use the process of elimination:

Option A, "depression for swimming," does not accurately describe a meander. A meander is not a depression specifically used for swimming, but rather a natural feature of a stream channel.

Option C, "straight streamline into a lake," is also incorrect. A meander involves bends and curves in the stream channel, not a straight flow.

Option D, "pond located streamside," is also not the correct description. While a meander can be found near a stream, it is not a pond itself.

By eliminating these options, we are left with option B, "bend or curve in a stream channel," which is the best description of a meander.