In what ways were diverse people from the Arabian Peninsula through the Middle East, North Africa, and into Spain united? What held them together and unified them, and how was this done?

During which time period?

Your question is vague, as Ms. Sue notes, but I suspect this is what you're looking for:

It is around the 500 to 600 CE

The diverse people from the Arabian Peninsula through the Middle East, North Africa, and into Spain were united in several ways. One of the key factors that held them together and fostered unity was the common language, which was Arabic. Arabic was not only a means of communication but also played a significant role in cultural and literary expression.

Another unifying factor was the religion of Islam. With the spread of Islam, particularly during the early Islamic Caliphates, the Arab peoples and the non-Arab populations that converted to Islam became part of a larger community known as the Ummah. Islam provided a foundation of shared beliefs, values, and practices that transcended ethnic or regional differences.

Trade and commerce also played a crucial role in fostering unity. The Arab peoples established extensive trade networks, such as the famous Silk Road and the Indian Ocean trade routes. These connections facilitated the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultural influences, contributing to a sense of shared economic interests and interconnectedness.

Additionally, political entities like empires and caliphates attempted to create centralized governments that spanned across diverse regions. For example, the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates sought to administer large territories and exert control over various ethnic groups through a system of governance and administration.

Furthermore, educational institutions and centers of learning, such as the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, served as intellectual hubs where scholars from different backgrounds came together to exchange knowledge and ideas. This intellectual exchange contributed to a sense of shared intellectual heritage and cultural unity.

In summary, the people across the Arabian Peninsula, Middle East, North Africa, and Spain were united through common language (Arabic), shared religious beliefs (Islam), trade and commerce, political entities, and intellectual exchanges. These factors played a crucial role in fostering unity and a sense of collective identity among the diverse populations in the region.