Solve for x.

−ax + 3b > 5

x > the quantity 3 times b minus 5 all over a

x > the quantity 5 minus 3 times b all over negative a

x < the quantity 3 times b plus 5 all over a

x < the quantity negative 3 times b plus 5 all over negative a

pls help me

thx so much :) :) :) :) :) :)

To solve the inequality −ax + 3b > 5 for x, we first need to isolate x on one side of the inequality. Here's how we can do that:

Step 1: Subtract 3b from both sides of the inequality:
−ax + 3b - 3b > 5 - 3b.

This simplifies to:
−ax > 5 - 3b.

Step 2: Divide both sides of the inequality by -a (assuming a is not zero):
(-ax) / -a < (5 - 3b) / -a.

When we divide both sides of an inequality by a negative number, we need to reverse the direction of the inequality symbol. So, the inequality becomes:
x < (5 - 3b) / -a.

Simplifying the expression on the right-hand side gives us:
x < (5 - 3b) / (-a).

Therefore, the correct answer is:
x < (5 - 3b) / (-a).

−ax + 3b > 5

-ax > 5 - 3b
ax < 3b - 5
x < (3b-5)/a or x < (5-3b)/-a to fit the last choice