An exclusive control like in a business

A. Bureaucracy
B. Balance and Trade
C. Monopoly
D. Checks and Balances


its deff C

C is correct. :-)

Have you ever played the game of Monopoly?

No. Check the other definitions.

A bureaucracy is a business or government that has many complicated rules for running things. This usually involves a lot of paper work.

i think D

LOL! B, D, or C??

What is your final answer?

Yes, the correct answer is C. Monopoly.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the meaning of the term "exclusive control" in the context of business. Exclusive control refers to a situation where a single company or entity has complete dominance over a particular market or industry, allowing it to dictate prices, limit competition, and control the availability of goods or services.

Now let's examine the options:

A. Bureaucracy: Bureaucracy refers to a system of government or organization characterized by red tape, hierarchy, and formalized procedures. While bureaucracy can sometimes lead to certain controls, it is not specifically associated with exclusive control in the business context, so this option is incorrect.

B. Balance and Trade: Balance and trade refers to the principles and practices involved in international trade, with an emphasis on maintaining equity and fairness in economic exchanges between countries. This concept is unrelated to exclusive control in business, so this option is also incorrect.

C. Monopoly: Monopoly is the correct answer. A monopoly occurs when a single company or entity possesses exclusive control over the production, distribution, or sale of a product or service in a particular market. This allows the monopolistic company to set prices, control supply, and prevent or limit competition.

D. Checks and Balances: Checks and balances refer to a system of government where powers are distributed among different branches or institutions to ensure that no single entity has excessive authority. While checks and balances are important for maintaining a balance of power in a government or organization, they are not directly related to exclusive control in business.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Monopoly.