What happens to an amendment that is not ratified?

A) it goes back to the senate for a vote
B) it is not put in the constitution, but remains a law
C) it is sent to the president
D) it is not put in the constitution and it is not a law
pls help :3

it goes back to where it was last passed through, it is revised and sent back to the house/committee that didn't pass it, or it is killed

The answer is D.
Check this out without the spaces (it is a picture of proposing amendments)
htt p s : // s-media-cache-ak0 . pinimg . com/736x/9a/93/27/9a932737a3d3d072ad796ec7be6b81f0. jpg

thanks freedom! but i entered the website without the spaces and there is no website found

An amendment that fails to pass simply does not pass and does not become a part of the constitution. It may languish for a long time until enough states approve it, but if it's never approved or passed, it dies. A new amendment may be submitted at another time.

When an amendment to the Constitution is proposed, it must be ratified by a certain number of states in order to become part of the Constitution. If an amendment fails to be ratified, it means that it does not become part of the Constitution. In that case, the correct answer is D) it is not put in the constitution, and it is not a law.

To get this answer, you can refer to the process of amending the Constitution. The process involves two steps: proposal and ratification. The proposal can be initiated by either Congress or a national convention called by Congress at the request of two-thirds of the state legislatures. After the proposal, the amendment needs to be ratified by three-fourths of the states either by the state legislatures or by state ratifying conventions. If an amendment fails to obtain the necessary ratification, it does not become part of the Constitution.