I need help contrasting to stories call "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" and "Nethergrave" please. :)

I assume you mean "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" by James Thurber and 'Nethergrave' by Gloria Skurzynski?

If you mean some other stories, I have no idea what to suggest. When you post questions about stories, novels, poems, movies, etc., PLEASE give us author and title.

To compare these stories, look for what they have in common. They are very different, but have one main thing in common. What is it? And what happens to the characters who get involved in the fantasy world? I also suggest that you cannot compare the stories without contrasting them, but your assignment is to compare, so concentrate on what they have in common.

Thanks Reed and sorry I didn't add the authors but yes those are the stories I am comparing, I only need to compare them because I already wrote their differences I was having trouble thinking of things that they have in common but I got it. Thanks though :)

No problem! Glad you got it figured out. What is similar is that both the boy and the man get caught up in fantasies, one a video game, and one of his own fantasies about lives he's not leading any more than the boy's real life is a video game.

I'm on this now and have no idea what to do can you help me

oh gosh I wrote the wring thing I need to compare them sorry

Certainly! "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" by James Thurber and "Nethergrave" by Gloria Skurzynski are two distinct short stories that can be contrasted in several ways. Here's how you can approach comparing and contrasting them:

1. Begin by summarizing each story: Provide a brief overview of the plot, main characters, and key events in each story. This will help you establish a foundation for the comparison.

2. Identify the central themes: Analyze the underlying messages or themes that are explored in each story. Look for commonalities and differences in themes such as escapism, personal growth, or the consequences of virtual reality.

3. Consider the main characters: Compare the protagonists, Walter Mitty and Jeremy, the main character in "Nethergrave." Examine their traits, motivations, and how they respond to the challenges they face. Determine whether they are dynamic (undergo significant changes) or static (remain unchanged) characters.

4. Explore the settings: Examine the settings of each story and how they contribute to the overall tone and atmosphere. For example, "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" primarily takes place in Walter's daydreams, while "Nethergrave" largely unfolds within a virtual reality game.

5. Analyze the writing style: Notice the author's writing techniques, such as the use of imagery, figurative language, or narrative structure. Consider how these stylistic choices impact the reader's experience and contribute to the story's overall tone.

6. Evaluate the resolutions: Compare how each story concludes and the effect it has on the reader. Reflect on the lessons or insights that can be gained from the resolutions of "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" and "Nethergrave."

By following these steps, you can effectively contrast the two stories, drawing attention to their similarities and differences. Remember to provide evidence from the texts to support your analysis.