An airplane flying an altitude of 34,000 ft descends at a rate of 25 ft per second. What is the height of the plane after 3 minutes?

3 * 60 = 180 seconds

34,000 - (25 * 180) = ?

To find the height of the plane after 3 minutes, we need to convert the time from minutes to seconds. Since 1 minute equals 60 seconds, 3 minutes would be equal to 3 * 60 = 180 seconds.

Now let's calculate the amount the plane descends in 180 seconds. We know that the plane descends at a rate of 25 ft per second, so 180 seconds * 25 ft/s = 4500 ft.

Therefore, after 3 minutes, the plane would have descended by 4500 ft from its initial altitude of 34,000 ft.

To find the final height, we subtract the descended distance from the initial altitude: 34,000 ft - 4500 ft = 29,500 ft.

The height of the plane after 3 minutes is 29,500 ft.