what is democracy and why is it importent and also why is it btter than comralisam and fashison.also a peom 0n democracy

thank you

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here is a site on the history of "democracy" which is what we have in the United States:


Please check the spelling on the next two governments. Did you mean communism and fascism?

Here is a site on communism, which the Soviet Union (Russia) had:


In case you meant fascism, here is a site:


Certainly! I'll explain what democracy is, why it is important, and why some people consider it better than communism and fascism. Additionally, I will provide a poem on democracy.

Democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people. It allows citizens to participate in the decision-making process, either directly or through elected representatives. The fundamental principles of democracy include political equality, majority rule, and protection of individual rights and liberties.

Democracy is important for several reasons. Firstly, it empowers citizens by giving them a voice in the governance of their country. It allows individuals to express their opinions, elect leaders, and hold them accountable for their actions. Additionally, democracy fosters social stability, as it provides a mechanism for resolving conflicts peacefully through political means. It also promotes the protection of human rights and civil liberties, which are crucial for a just and equitable society.

In comparison to communism and fascism, democracy is often considered a better system of government by many people. Here are some reasons:

1. Protection of individual rights: Democracy respects and safeguards the rights and freedoms of individuals. In contrast, communism often places emphasis on collective goals at the expense of individual liberties. Fascism, on the other hand, suppresses dissent and can lead to the violation of basic human rights.

2. Political plurality: Democracies allow for a range of diverse opinions and ideologies to coexist, promoting tolerance and inclusivity. In contrast, both communism and fascism tend to impose a single political ideology, limiting the freedom of expression and stifling opposing viewpoints.

3. Rule of law: Democracies are generally based on the rule of law, ensuring that laws apply equally to all citizens. In contrast, communism and fascism often prioritize the interests of the ruling party or dictator, leading to arbitrary rule and disregard for the law.

4. Peaceful transitions of power: Democracy facilitates peaceful transitions of power through regular elections, providing a mechanism for leadership changes without the need for violence or upheaval. In contrast, communism and fascism tend to concentrate power in the hands of a few elites, making it difficult for peaceful power transitions to occur.

Here is a poem on democracy:

In a land where people gather free,
A system of governance that gives them glee.
Democracy, the name it holds,
Of the stories of the brave and bold.

Citizens' voices, powerful and strong,
They participate, they right the wrong.
Equality and rights are its aim,
Inclusion and justice, democracy's flame.

Elections held, where choices are made,
Leaders elected, decisions displayed.
A government by, for, and of the people,
Democracy's essence, beneath its steeple.

Let freedom ring, let justice prevail,
In a land where democracy will never fail.
For it empowers, it uplifts the soul,
The embodiment of a collective goal.

So let us cherish democracy's might,
With unity and love, shine its light.
For in the tapestry of nations afar,
Democracy stands, a guiding star.

I hope this explanation and the poem help you understand the concept of democracy and its significance.