The distance between Exit 12 and Exit 13 is 2.7 miles.

The distance between Exit 13 and Exit 14 is 0.9 mile farther than the distance between Exit 12 and Exit 13.

The distance between Exit 13 and Exit 15 is 6.8 miles farther than the distance between Exit 12 and Exit 14.

THE REAL ANSWER IS ACTUALLY 9.5 checked on google nerds

it is 9.5 my boi

it is 9.5 trust me

yes it is 9.5 thanks


the answer is 9.5 miles hope that helped :)

it is 9.5

thanks, didnt know it would pop up because i didnt know or my big ideas maths problem! thanks! 9.5

idk, i wanna know the answer... Try Brainly... They might have the right answer

YASSSSSSSS ive been looking