When putting ratios on a # line, how does someone know what numbers to put the fraction inbetween?

example: -17/5

change the fraction to proper, ie

-17/5=- 3 2/5 so it goes between -3 and -3.5

math what is the problem for the equation state what the varible n represents

When putting ratios on a number line, you need to have a clear understanding of the intervals that the number line represents. In order to find the appropriate placement for a fraction, such as -17/5, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the range: Determine the start and end points of the number line. For example, if the number line represents values from -10 to 10, you know that your fraction should fall somewhere within that range.

2. Divide the range: Divide the range into equal intervals. In this case, if the number line goes from -10 to 10, you might choose to divide it into 10 equal intervals, resulting in an interval width of 2.

3. Determine the position: To determine the position of the fraction on the number line, you need to compare it to the intervals. For example, -17/5 is a negative fraction, which means it will be placed to the left of zero.

4. Calculate the distance: Calculate the distance from zero to the fraction on the number line. In this case, the fraction represents -17/5, which means you need to find 17/5th of the interval width. Since the interval width is 2, you multiply 17/5 by 2 to get 34/5 or 6 4/5.

5. Place the fraction: Once you calculate the distance, you place the fraction at that position on the number line. In this case, -17/5 would be placed 6 4/5 units to the left of zero on the number line.

By following these steps, you can accurately place ratios or fractions on a number line based on the given range and intervals.