enslaved people did not own land. who received the acres designated for each slave?

What land, and where?


I assume the slave-holder was allotted the land. I'm not familiar with this detail of Texas history.

During the time when slavery was legal in the United States, enslaved people were not allowed to own land. Land ownership was a privilege largely reserved for white slaveholders and other free individuals. As a result, when acres of land were designated for enslaved people, they were typically granted to their slaveholders or the individuals who owned them.

In some instances, enslaved people were forced to work on plantations or farms owned by their masters, and any produce or profits generated from the land were retained by the slaveholder. This system allowed slaveholders to exploit the labor of enslaved individuals without granting them any ownership or control over the land.

It is important to note that the treatment and distribution of land varied depending on the specific time period, location, and individual slaveholder. Nevertheless, the general principle was that enslaved people were not entitled to the land designated for them and, instead, their owners benefitted from it.