A software company started with 2 employees. In 6 months, the company had 7 employees. The number of employees increased in a steady rate. Which equation models the relationship between the number of employees n and the number of months m since the company started?

a.) n = 5/6m+2
b.) m= 2n+5/6
c.) n= 6/5m+2
d.) m=5/6n+2
if possible show the work!!!

Which equation in the answers will give you 7 for n? Work them out and you will have your answer.

i seriously didn't get any equation with 7 for n! plz help


It's A.

To find the equation that models the relationship between the number of employees (n) and the number of months since the company started (m), we need to analyze the given information.

We are given that the company started with 2 employees and, after 6 months, had 7 employees. We are also told that the number of employees increased at a steady rate.

Let's use the slope-intercept form of a linear equation, y = mx + b, where:
- y represents the dependent variable (in this case, the number of employees, n)
- m represents the slope (the rate at which the number of employees increases)
- x represents the independent variable (in this case, the number of months, m)
- b represents the y-intercept (the initial number of employees when the company started, in this case, 2)

We can substitute the values we know into the equation and solve for m.

After 6 months (m = 6), the number of employees (n) is 7:
7 = 6m + 2

Subtracting 2 from both sides of the equation:
7 - 2 = 6m
5 = 6m

Dividing both sides of the equation by 6:
5/6 = m

Now that we've found the value of m, we can substitute it back into the slope-intercept form equation to find the equation that models the relationship between n and m.

The equation is: n = (5/6)m + 2

Therefore, the correct option is: a.) n = (5/6)m + 2.