A cafeteria has two soda machines. One machine has the following flavors: cola, root beer, and lime. The second machine has lemon, orange, cola, and cherry. Which set represents all flavors in the two machines?

a. {cola, root beer, lime}
b. {cola}
c. {cola, root beer, lime, lemon, orange, cherry}***
d. {cola, root beer, lime, lemon, cherry}

Hey @Alpha-Cure-Mom they're asking for help to check their answer. What did you think this site is for, buying dresses?!? No, for helping people.

@Kaai97 Good job. :)

looks good

whew, great !



Alpha-Cure-Mom I see you everywhere 💀

To find the set that represents all the flavors in the two machines, we need to combine the flavors from both machines.

First, let's list the flavors from the first machine: cola, root beer, and lime.

Next, let's list the flavors from the second machine: lemon, orange, cola, and cherry.

Now, let's combine the flavors from both machines: cola, root beer, lime, lemon, orange, and cherry.

So, the correct answer is c. {cola, root beer, lime, lemon, orange, cherry}, as it represents all the flavors in the two machines.



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