Al3+ and Pb2+ act as acids or bases in acidic or alkaline environment.

True or False?

I think this is true because they are amphoteric, but I am not sure.

yes. They are amphoteric.

To confirm whether Al3+ and Pb2+ act as acids or bases in acidic or alkaline environments, we need to consider their nature as well as the condition of the environment.

First, let's discuss the amphoteric nature of Al3+ and Pb2+. An amphoteric substance can act as both an acid and a base, depending on the conditions. In the case of Al3+ and Pb2+, they can both accept and donate protons (H+) depending on the pH of the surrounding environment.

Now, let's consider the environment. If we have an acidic environment with a low pH, Al3+ and Pb2+ will likely act as bases. This is because in an acidic environment, there is an excess of protons (H+ ions), and Al3+ and Pb2+ can accept these protons, thus behaving as bases. On the other hand, in an alkaline (basic) environment with a high pH, Al3+ and Pb2+ will likely act as acids. This is because in a basic environment, there is a lower concentration of protons, and Al3+ and Pb2+ can donate protons, thus behaving as acids.

So, it is true that Al3+ and Pb2+ can act as both acids and bases depending on the acidity or alkalinity of the environment they are in.