I think I can do the orbital notation but how do I identify what other three anions have the same electron as Ne and same with cations for #2???

1.) Identify three anions with the same electron configuration as Ne. Write the orbital notation for these three anions.

2.) Identify three cations with the same electron configuration as Ne. Write the orbital notation for these three cations.

To identify the anions and cations with the same electron configuration as Ne, you need to consider the process of ionization.

1.) Anions are formed when atoms gain electrons. Since Ne has a configuration of 1s²2s²2p⁶, it means that it already has a filled valence shell. To form an anion with the same electron configuration as Ne, it would need to gain one more electron. This can be achieved by moving one electron from the 2p orbital to the 2s orbital.

Thus, the three anions with the same electron configuration as Ne are:
- F⁻ (Fluoride ion): 1s²2s²2p⁶ (with an extra electron in a 2p orbital)
- O⁻² (Oxide ion): 1s²2s²2p⁶ (with two extra electrons in 2p orbitals)
- S⁻² (Sulfide ion): 1s²2s²2p⁶ (with two extra electrons in 2p orbitals)

2.) Cations are formed when atoms lose electrons. Since Ne has a stable configuration, it is less likely for it to form cations. However, one way to achieve the same electron configuration is by removing all the valence electrons (2s²2p⁶).

Thus, the three hypothetical cations with the same electron configuration as Ne would be:
- Ne⁺ (Neon ion): 1s²2s²2p⁵ (with one missing electron in 2p orbitals)
- Mg²⁺ (Magnesium ion): 1s²2s² (only the filled inner shell remains)
- Al³⁺ (Aluminum ion): 1s²2s² (only the filled inner shell remains)

Remember, these cations are hypothetical and not commonly observed for Ne. Their electron configuration is provided for the sake of similarity.