I can't figure this out. Please help!

Estimate 16 20/21 * 28 3/7 - 4 13/25 +
8 2/47 as a whole number or as a mixed
number where the fractional part is 1/2

Someone please help!

17 * 28 - 5 + 8 would give you an estimate. However, since you don't have parentheses (), I don't know which process should come first.

I would assume 17 * 28 = 476 + 3 = 479

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To calculate the expression "16 20/21 * 28 3/7 - 4 13/25 + 8 2/47" and estimate it as a whole number or a mixed number where the fractional part is 1/2, we need to follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS or BODMAS).

1. Firstly, simplify the multiplication and division from left to right:
16 20/21 * 28 3/7 = (336 + 60)/21 = 396/21 = 18 and 18/21 = 18 + 6/7 (mixed number form).

2. Next, simplify the addition and subtraction from left to right:
18 6/7 - 4 13/25 = (154/7 - 117/25) = [(25 * 154 - 7 * 117) / (7 * 25)] = 3013/175 = 17 and 188/175 (mixed number form).

3. Lastly, add 8 2/47 to the previously obtained result:
17 188/175 + 8 2/47 = (25 * 17 * 175 + 25 * 188 + 175 * 8 + 2) / (25 * 175) = 573168/175 = 3270 and 118/175 (mixed number form).

Therefore, the estimated value of the expression as a mixed number with the fractional part being 1/2 is approximately 3270 and 1/2.