1.5<n and n<2

there is an endless amount of possibilities of what n can be

mark both on a number line to see that

n > 2

To determine a range of possible values for the variable n that satisfy the given inequality 1.5 < n and n < 2, we need to find the intersection of these two conditions.

1.5 < n implies that n must be greater than 1.5, but not equal to it.
n < 2 implies that n must be less than 2, but not equal to it.

So, to find the range of n that satisfies both conditions, we look for the overlap between the two inequalities.

The smallest possible value for n that satisfies both conditions is 1.5, as it is the lowest value that is greater than 1.5 but less than 2. Similarly, the largest possible value for n is 2, as it is the highest value that is greater than 1.5 but less than 2.

Therefore, the range of possible values for n that satisfy the given inequality is 1.5 < n < 2.