What is the formular of (forced,Areaand pressure)

The formula that relates force, area, and pressure is:

Pressure = Force / Area

To calculate pressure, you need to know the force exerted on an object and the area over which the force is applied. The force is typically measured in units like newtons (N), while the area is measured in units like square meters (m²). By dividing the force by the area, you can determine the pressure exerted on the object.

Here's an example to help illustrate the formula:

Let's say you have a rectangular box with dimensions 2 meters by 3 meters, and a force of 100 newtons is applied evenly over the top surface of the box. To find the pressure exerted on the box, you would use the formula:

Pressure = Force / Area

First, calculate the area of the top surface of the box:

Area = length x width
= 2 m x 3 m
= 6 m²

Now, plug the values into the formula:

Pressure = 100 N / 6 m²
≈ 16.67 N/m²

Therefore, the pressure exerted on the box is approximately 16.67 newtons per square meter (N/m²), which is often referred to as pascals (Pa).