the process of respiration, glucose is oxidized completely. In fermentation, O2 is absent, and glucose is broken down into Co2 and H2o.

Calculate delta g for respiration of 1.00 g of glucose
Calculate delta g for fermentation of 1.00 g of glucose.

My answers:
-16.0 kJ and -1.26 kJ

what I need help with is:
Calculate delta g for oxidation of the ethanol from part C.

answer in kJ/g..............thanks!


To calculate the delta G for the oxidation of ethanol, we need to know the reaction equation and the standard Gibbs free energy change (delta G°) values for the involved species. The reaction equation for the oxidation of ethanol is:

C2H5OH + 3O2 -> 2CO2 + 3H2O

The delta G° values for the species involved in the reaction can be found in standard thermodynamic tables. The standard delta G° values at 298 K are as follows:

C2H5OH: -277.1 kJ/mol
O2: 0 kJ/mol
CO2: -394.4 kJ/mol
H2O: -237.1 kJ/mol

First, we need to convert the delta G° values to kJ/g. The molar mass of ethanol (C2H5OH) is approximately 46.07 g/mol. We can then calculate the delta G for the oxidation of 1.00 g of ethanol.

1. Calculate the number of moles of ethanol:
n = mass / molar mass
n = 1.00 g / 46.07 g/mol ≈ 0.0217 mol

2. Use the delta G° values to calculate the delta G:
delta G = (delta G° of products) - (delta G° of reactants)
delta G = (2*(delta G° of CO2) + 3*(delta G° of H2O)) - (delta G° of C2H5OH + 3*(delta G° of O2))
delta G = (2*(-394.4 kJ/mol) + 3*(-237.1 kJ/mol)) - (-277.1 kJ/mol + 3*(0 kJ/mol))

3. Convert delta G from kJ/mol to kJ/g:
delta G = delta G / n
delta G = delta G / 0.0217 mol

Calculating the values, we find:

delta G = (-788.8 kJ + (-711.3 kJ)) - (-277.1 kJ) = -1445.6 kJ

Finally, we can convert delta G from kJ/mol to kJ/g by dividing it by the number of grams:

delta G = -1445.6 kJ / 1.00 g = -1445.6 kJ/g

Therefore, the delta G for the oxidation of ethanol is approximately -1445.6 kJ/g.

To calculate the delta G for the oxidation of ethanol, we need to determine the reaction equation for this process. In fermentation, glucose is broken down into carbon dioxide (CO2) and ethanol (C2H5OH).

The oxidation of ethanol involves the conversion of ethanol to acetic acid (CH3COOH) and the reduction of a coenzyme called NAD+ to NADH. The reaction equation for this process is:

Ethanol + NAD+ → Acetic acid + NADH + H+

The standard Gibbs free energy change (ΔG°) for this reaction can be determined using the Gibbs free energy change values for acetic acid and ethanol from standard thermodynamic tables. However, since you haven't provided these values, I won't be able to give you an exact answer.

To calculate the approximate ΔG for the oxidation of ethanol, you can use the equation:

ΔG = ΔG° + RT ln(Q)

ΔG = Gibbs free energy change
ΔG° = Standard Gibbs free energy change
R = Gas constant (8.314 J/(mol·K))
T = Temperature (in Kelvin)
ln = Natural logarithm
Q = Reaction quotient

Since we want the answer in kJ/g, we need to divide the calculated ΔG value by the moles of ethanol reacted, then convert it to kJ.

Please provide the Gibbs free energy change values for acetic acid and ethanol, as well as the temperature at which the reaction is taking place, so I can help you calculate the ΔG for the oxidation of ethanol accurately.