write a partitive division story problem fo 45 divided by 3/5

i don't understand this question

better study your materials for partitive division story

Till you understand that, there's not much hope. I'm sure that there will be examples with the explanation.

Or, remember that google is your friend. I used it, and this is my first hit:


oh OK thank u

Idk how to write a partitive division story problem for 45÷3/5

Dees mutts

Ha got em

Sure! Here's a partitive division story problem for 45 divided by 3/5:

Samantha has 45 candies that she wants to share equally among her friends. However, her friends can only take 3/5 of a candy each. How many friends can Samantha share the candies with?

To solve this problem, we can use partitive division.

Step 1: Convert the division problem into a multiplication problem. We can do this by taking the reciprocal of the divisor (3/5) and multiplying it by the dividend (45).

Reciprocal of 3/5 = 5/3

45 * 5/3 = ?

Step 2: Multiply the numerator of the dividend (45) by the numerator of the reciprocal (5) and the denominator of the dividend (1) by the denominator of the reciprocal (3).

45 * 5/ 1 * 3 = ?

Step 3: Simplify the equation.

225 / 3 = ?

Step 4: Divide the numerator (225) by the denominator (3) to find the answer.

225 ÷ 3 = 75

So, Samantha can share the 45 candies equally with 75 friends if each friend can only have 3/5 of a candy.