Need help, please. What percent of 30 is 2 1/2?

2.5 / 30 = 0.083333 = 8.33%

thank you for helping me.

You are welcome.

Sure, I can help you with that. To find out what percent of 30 is 2 1/2, we can set up a proportion.

First, let's convert the mixed number 2 1/2 to an improper fraction.
2 1/2 = 5/2

Now, we can set up the proportion:
(5/2) / 30 = x / 100

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then divide:
5/2 * 100 = 30 * x

Now, simplify the equation:
(5 * 100) / 2 = 30x

Divide both sides by 30:
(500 / 2) = 30x

250 = 30x

Now, divide both sides by 30 to solve for x:
x = 8 1/3

Therefore, 2 1/2 is approximately 8 1/3 percent of 30.