Can someone please check my work?

18) Many wealthy American industrialists of the late 19th century used the theory of Social Darwinism to:
a. Support the labor union movement
b. Justify monopolistic actions
c. Promote legislation establishing a minimum wage
d. Encourage charitable organizations to help the poor
My Answer~B

7) When the Articles of the Confederation were written they showed Americans early distrust of:
a. The British
b. States having too much power
c. Strong national government
d. The President
My Answer~C

Both are right, now.

Alright, Thank you kindly!!

You're welcome, Abby.

To check your work for the first question:

The theory of Social Darwinism, which emerged in the late 19th century, was adopted by many wealthy American industrialists of that time. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what Social Darwinism entails and how it was used by those industrialists.

Social Darwinism is a socio-economic theory that applies the principles of natural selection and survival of the fittest to humans and societies. It argues that certain individuals or groups are more fit to succeed and prosper in society, while others are less fit and therefore more likely to fail. It suggests that the government should not intervene in natural economic processes, as it would disrupt the natural order of society.

Based on this understanding, we can now evaluate the answer options and determine if any of them align with the concept of Social Darwinism:

a. Supporting the labor union movement does not align with Social Darwinism, as it would involve government intervention to protect workers and equalize power dynamics between labor and capital.

b. Justifying monopolistic actions aligns with Social Darwinism. The theory argues that the most successful individuals or companies would naturally monopolize the market due to their superior fitness and competitive advantages.

c. Promoting legislation establishing a minimum wage does not align with Social Darwinism, as it would involve government intervention to ensure a basic standard of living for all workers and reduce inequality.

d. Encouraging charitable organizations to help the poor does not align with Social Darwinism, as it suggests that those who are less fit should be taken care of through philanthropy, rather than letting them naturally struggle and fail in society.

Based on this analysis, your answer of choice B, justifying monopolistic actions, aligns with the theory of Social Darwinism and is therefore correct.

Now, let's move on to the second question:

When analyzing the Articles of Confederation, the first constitution of the United States, it is important to consider the historical context and the attitudes of the American colonists at that time.

The Articles of Confederation were drafted in the aftermath of the American Revolution and reflected the Americans' early distrust of centralized authority. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the concerns and intentions of the colonists during this period.

a. The British: While the American colonists had recently fought a war for independence against British rule, the Articles of Confederation were drafted after this period. Therefore, the distrust of the British would not be relevant in this context.

b. States having too much power: This answer aligns with the concerns of the colonists. They were wary of creating a strong central government that could potentially infringe on their individual state autonomy and lead to a situation similar to British rule.

c. Strong national government: This answer also aligns with the concerns of the colonists. They wanted to avoid creating a powerful central government that could abuse its authority and potentially lead to a loss of individual and state freedoms.

d. The President: The role of the president was not a primary concern for the colonists at the time of drafting the Articles of Confederation. Therefore, this answer is unlikely to be correct.

Based on this analysis, your answer of choice C, a strong national government, aligns with the concerns of the colonists and is therefore correct.

Overall, your answer choices for both questions (B and C) are correct based on the explanations provided.