Which of the following is not found in the header of a Java method

A. a return type
B. a parameter list
C. modifiers
D. statements


Statements are not found in the header of a java method.


public static int methodName(int a, int b)

public static = modifiers
int = return type
methodName = method name
(int a, int b) = parameters

So the correct answer is staments.

To determine which of the options (A, B, C, or D) is not found in the header of a Java method, we need to understand what the method header consists of.

In Java, a method header typically includes the following components:

1. Return Type: This specifies the type of value that the method will return (or void if it doesn't return anything).
2. Method Name: This is the identifier for the method.
3. Parameter List: This includes the input parameters that the method accepts, if any.
4. Modifiers: These are optional keywords that specify additional properties of the method (e.g., public, private, static, etc.).

Now, let's examine each option to see which one is not found in the method header:

A. Return Type: Yes, the return type is always present in the method header. It specifies the type of value that the method will return.

B. Parameter List: Yes, if a method accepts any input parameters, they are specified in the parameter list, which is part of the method header.

C. Modifiers: Yes, modifiers can be used to specify the access level, behavior, and other characteristics of the method. They are optional but can be present in the method header.

D. Statements: Statements, which represent the actual code or instructions to be executed in the method, are not part of the method header. They are written in the body of the method.

Based on this analysis, the correct option is D. Statements. Statements are not found in the header of a Java method; they are written in the body of the method, which comes after the method header.

Therefore, the correct answer is D.