The second amendment protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms, yet it is illegal to owns some weapons. how this happen

A.)A right to public safety is guaranteed in the constitution
B.)The united states is not threatened by invasion in modern times
C.)States and local governments can make laws restricting weapons
D.)Modern weapons are more dangerous than the ones from the constitutional era

My mom says A, I Say B , who's correct?

I don't like any of these answers, but one comes close:

ooooohhhhh your right D

No. Read the notes on the Supreme Court case!

mom says C

Did she read the notes on the case?


To determine who is correct, let's analyze each option:

A.) A right to public safety is guaranteed in the constitution: This statement is not directly related to the question at hand. While public safety is an important consideration, it does not directly explain why some weapons are illegal despite the Second Amendment.

B.) The United States is not threatened by invasion in modern times: This statement is connected to the idea that the Second Amendment was originally intended to protect people by allowing them to bear arms in case of a need for a citizen militia. However, it does not specifically address why some weapons are illegal today.

C.) States and local governments can make laws restricting weapons: This option is correct. It accurately explains why certain weapons are illegal. The Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms, but it does not grant unlimited access to all types of weapons. States and local governments have the authority to regulate and restrict certain weapons for the purpose of public safety.

D.) Modern weapons are more dangerous than the ones from the constitutional era: While it is true that modern weapons can be more dangerous, this option does not directly address the legality of weapons. It is important to note that the legality of weapons is not solely determined by their level of danger or advancement.

Based on the analysis, option C is correct. States and local governments have the authority to make laws restricting weapons, which is why some weapons are illegal despite the Second Amendment.