Which of the following explanations best interprets the author's intended meaning in the bolded words in following sentence?

The Church was a thermostat that transformed the mores of society."

The church was a thermostat is bolded

1.) Society needs more churches in order to be truly transformed.
2.)The church measure the morals of individuals within a society
3.)The church had the power to influence what happened in society.
4.) Society was a reflection of what was happening within churches



Based on the given sentence, the most accurate interpretation of the author's intended meaning in the bolded words "The Church was a thermostat that transformed the mores of society" is option 3: "The church had the power to influence what happened in society." This interpretation suggests that the church played a significant role in shaping or changing the morals, values, and norms of society.

To arrive at this interpretation, you can break down the sentence and analyze its key components:

1. "The Church" refers to a specific religious institution.
2. The words "thermostat" and "transformed" are used metaphorically to describe the church's role and impact on society.
3. A thermostat is a device that regulates temperature, suggesting that the church had the power to regulate or influence social norms and morals.
4. "Transformed" emphasizes the significant change or impact the church had on society.

By understanding these elements of the sentence and drawing on your knowledge of what a thermostat does, you can conclude that option 3 is the best interpretation presented.