Aoki completed 3/6 of a distance-running challenge. Faye completed3/8of rhe same challenge. Who ran the farther distance.

Convert the fractions to decimals and you'll see it easily:

3/6 = 0.50

3/8 - 0.375

What do you think?



To determine who ran the greater distance between Aoki and Faye, we need to compare their respective fractions.

First, let's find a common denominator for 6 and 8, which is 24.

For Aoki, we can convert 3/6 to 12/24 by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by 4 (6 * 4 = 24).

For Faye, we can convert 3/8 to 9/24 by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by 3 (8 * 3 = 24).

Now that we have the fractions with a common denominator, we can see that 12/24 is greater than 9/24.

Therefore, Aoki ran the farther distance.