Is the following sentence correct?

In the late 1990s, the popularity of MTV’s The Real World sparked increasingly interest in this concept.

The Real World <~~needs to be underlined or italicized

increasingly <~~needs to be increasing ("increasingly" is an adverb, but there's no verb, adjective, or other adverb for it to modify)

in this concept <~~in what concept? You need to make it clear what "this" is referring to.


could you please hold the door open for me?

To determine if a sentence is correct, you need to analyze each part for grammatical accuracy and clarity. Let's break down the sentence in question:

"In the late 1990s, the popularity of MTV’s The Real World sparked increasingly interest in this concept."

1. Underlining or italicizing "The Real World": In written forms, titles of TV shows, movies, books, or other works typically need to be underlined or italicized. However, in this particular format, where underlining and italicizing are not possible, the sentence is still understandable without the formatting. So, the sentence is correct even though it doesn't include underlining or italicizing.

2. "Increasingly" vs. "increasing": "Increasingly" is an adverb that modifies an adjective, verb, or another adverb to indicate the degree or extent of an action or quality. In this sentence, "increasingly" is modifying the noun "interest," providing information about the level of interest over time. Therefore, "increasingly" is the appropriate word choice here, and the sentence is correct as written.

3. "In this concept": You correctly pointed out that the phrase "in this concept" lacks clarity. "This" here refers to a concept that is not clearly specified in the sentence. To make the sentence more precise, you should include the specific concept that is being referred to: "In the late 1990s, the popularity of MTV’s The Real World sparked increasingly interest in the reality television concept." By specifying "the reality television concept," the sentence becomes clearer and more accurate.

In summary, the sentence can be corrected by adding clarity to the concept being referred to. Here's the revised version: "In the late 1990s, the popularity of MTV’s The Real World sparked increasingly interest in the reality television concept."