What is 2.35678/257382436*89.8-19836+1

were there parenthesis involved in this question?

Yes. Im sorry they were between the 2 at the start and the 8 after the multiplication sign

To solve the expression 2.35678/257382436*89.8-19836+1, we will follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction).

1. First, let's simplify the division operation: 2.35678/257382436 ≈ 9.14615 × 10^-9.

2. Next, multiply the result from step 1 by 89.8: 9.14615 × 10^-9 * 89.8 ≈ 8.21064 × 10^-7.

3. Moving on to subtraction, subtract 19836 from the previous result: 8.21064 × 10^-7 - 19836 ≈ -19835.99999917893.

4. Finally, add 1 to the previous result: -19835.99999917893 + 1 ≈ -19834.99999917893.

So, the result of the given expression is approximately -19834.99999917893.