Please check to if see if the vocab words are paired with the right sentences. The sentences are supposed to explain the vocab word. Correct me if I'm wrong.

1. The all circumstantial but it definitely does not look good for the suspect. (SUSCEPTIBLE)
2. I have been convinced to participate in the activity even though I think it is nuts ( IMPLICATE)
3. Even from a distance watching those two communicate is hilarious since they both use such large gestures and bold expressions. (INCLINE)
4. At the first sign of a sore throat I start taking vitamin see otherwise I know I will catch a cold (EXPOSTULATE)
5. The actor is famous for his Volatile mood swings (TEMPERAMENT)
6. The opinion page in the editorial section of the newspaper is replete with slanted, one sided rants (BIAS)
7. Carla wants to screw up and become president of the United States so that she can act as a forace for good in our society (ADVOCATE)
8. Sometimes it helps to talk things through with a friend who is willing to try to dissuade you from acting rashly. (INTERACTION)
9. The children were about to bolt across the street without looking when the crossing guard yelled stop and look both ways! (ADMONISH)
10.When I believe in a cause I am willing to go to bat for it and will do everything I can to ensure it succeeds (INFLUENTIAL)

1. Incorrect. The correct word to explain the sentence would be "SUSPICIOUS" instead of "SUSCEPTIBLE".

2. Incorrect. The correct word to explain the sentence would be "PERSUADED" instead of "IMPLICATE".
3. Incorrect. The correct word to explain the sentence would be "AMUSING" instead of "INCLINE".
4. Incorrect. The word "EXPOSTULATE" does not fit the context of the sentence.
5. Correct. The word "TEMPERAMENT" correctly explains the sentence.
6. Correct. The word "BIAS" correctly explains the sentence.
7. Incorrect. The correct word to explain the sentence would be "FORCE" instead of "FORACE".
8. Incorrect. The correct word to explain the sentence would be "COUNSEL" instead of "INTERACTION".
9. Correct. The word "ADMONISH" correctly explains the sentence.
10. Incorrect. The correct word to explain the sentence would be "ADVOCATE" instead of "INFLUENTIAL".

Here is a review of each sentence and its corresponding vocabulary word:

1. The sentence is correct, but the vocabulary word should be "SUSPICIOUS" instead of "SUSCEPTIBLE." "Susceptible" means likely to be influenced or affected by something, while "Suspicious" means having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something.

2. The sentence is correct, and the vocabulary word "IMPLICATE" is used correctly. It means to show or suggest that someone is involved in a crime or a fault.

3. The sentence is correct, but the vocabulary word should be "ENTERTAINING" instead of "INCLINE." "Incline" means to have a preference or tendency towards something, while "Entertaining" means amusing or enjoyable.

4. The sentence is incorrect. The correct vocabulary word should be "EXPECT" instead of "EXPOSTULATE." "Expect" means to think or believe that something will happen, while "Expostulate" means to express strong disapproval or disagreement.

5. The sentence is correct, and the vocabulary word "TEMPERAMENT" is used correctly. It means a person's or animal's nature, especially as it permanently affects their behavior.

6. The sentence is correct, and the vocabulary word "BIAS" is used correctly. It means prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually considered to be unfair.

7. The sentence is incorrect. The correct vocabulary word should be "FORCE" instead of "FORACE." "Force" means a person or thing having power, authority, or influence, while "Forace" is not a word.

8. The sentence is correct, and the vocabulary word "INTERACTION" is used correctly. It means the reciprocal action or influence among people, involving communication, cooperation, or the sharing of information.

9. The sentence is correct, and the vocabulary word "ADMONISH" is used correctly. It means to warn or reprimand someone firmly.

10. The sentence is correct, and the vocabulary word "INFLUENTIAL" is used correctly. It means having great influence on someone or something.