1. All of the following explain negative geographical health influences on population expect.......

A.High Infant mortality in Haiti
B. Poor sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa
C. Destroyed hospitals in war-torn regions of the Middle East.
D. Aging population of retired German citizens
E. Malnutrition in SE Asia


I think you're right.

To determine which option does not explain negative geographical health influences on the population, let's evaluate each option one by one.

A. High infant mortality in Haiti: This option is a negative geographical health influence because high infant mortality rates indicate poor access to healthcare, inadequate sanitation, and malnutrition. Therefore, this option explains a negative geographical health influence.

B. Poor sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Poor sanitation is a significant contributor to the spread of diseases, such as diarrheal diseases. This option explains a negative geographical health influence.

C. Destroyed hospitals in war-torn regions of the Middle East: The destruction of hospitals due to conflicts limits access to healthcare services, resulting in inadequate medical care and a negative impact on the health of the population. This option explains a negative geographical health influence.

D. Aging population of retired German citizens: This option does not explain a negative geographical health influence. Aging population typically has more emphasis on the social and economic aspects of a country, rather than being directly linked to geographical health factors.

E. Malnutrition in SE Asia: Malnutrition is a significant health concern and is influenced by geography, food availability, and poverty rates. This option explains a negative geographical health influence.

Based on this analysis, the option that does not explain a negative geographical health influence is D. Aging population of retired German citizens.