achile de gas in the uniform of a cadet by edgar degas

how was proportion used in this image

to create a mood of tranquility
to create an optical illusion
to create a sense of perspective in the image
to make sure the person was drawn correctly

It's not d. I'll be glad to check one more answer from you.

oh sorry for not putting up my choice i believe it is d because it obviously not a or b and my definition of perspective is the illusion of depth which the picture doesnt have much of

In the painting "Achille de Gas in the Uniform of a Cadet" by Edgar Degas, proportion was used to ensure that the person was drawn correctly. Proportion refers to the comparative relationship between different parts of an object or figure. In this context, it means accurately representing the size and scale of the body parts of Achille de Gas in relation to each other.

By using proportional measurements, Degas ensured that the figure's limbs, head, torso, and other features were realistically sized and positioned. This helped to depict Achille de Gas in a lifelike manner, maintaining accuracy in the representation of his body.

While proportion is the main factor employed in this painting to ensure accuracy, it is worth mentioning that other elements, such as perspective and composition, also contribute to the overall effect of the artwork. However, in this specific case, the primary objective of using proportion was to accurately depict the subject.